Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekly portraits..

As part of a project for my class this year I am going to be doing at least one self-portrait a week. I am really looking forward to this. I am looking to explore in media, techniques, maybe some writing, and maybe so more surrealist approaches. So far I have two of a more traditional approach...

They are all going to be done in my little moleskin watercolour book, and at the end I hope to have a great compilation of portraits and writing, and maybe I will be able to produce a little booklet out of it. We'll see! : )


Gman said...

I think the second one looks really cute!! =)

Ashley Jin Kim said...

I love... your artwork. I can really see your style and soul in it.

I kinda wonder sometimes, if i should have gone into illustration.

Em Soden said...

Thanks Ashley! I think it is always easier for others to see someone's style.. I find it so hard to see myself!

I would love to see more of your art! And we still need to paint! : )