This was a great assignment. Total freedom. We could do whatever we wanted as long as it was self-directed. These faces are from a really old sketch of mine that I finally decided to remake. This is done in ink, watercolour (for the background) and gouache (for the faces). It was my first attempt at using gouache. I think I used it more like watercolour rather than the opaque way it can be used. It was really fun experimenting though.

This painting is a remake of a couple of old paintings, one called American Gothic and the other called In the Mowing. It was for an assignment about the nigerian scam emails that get sent out. This particular one involved a popular farmer in Zimbabwe who got killed so his family had to move to the Netherlands.
I had a really tough time with this assignment. Conceptually I really couldn't come up with anything interesting.
I had fun painting though.
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